Tuesday 8 December 2009

Four approaches to sparring

My FMA teacher Guru Bob Breen sent me this link.

Here he is showing four sparring strategies (I also recognise his assistant) :


More can be viewed on youtube or www.bobbreen.com

Tuesday 1 December 2009

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself...

These were the words, uttered by US President Franklin D Roosevelt in his first inaugural address in 1932, but apply to all of us every day, especially us in the martial arts.

Last week I graded my students and found that a few were really scared that the outcome would not be favourable for them. Some of the younger students were reduced to tears and initially were unable to 'showcase their skills'. It wasn't just the younger students who felt this fear; one of my older students for example, had a 'mental meltdown' during the sparring aspect of their grading.

It took the right words from me and their fellow students to help them all get over this F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real) and successfully pass their examinations.

At times we let our fear control us but there are many ways to help.

I know for myself as I used to get butterflies before I fought in competition. What I needed to learn was how to make my butterflies fly in formation.
Understanding that it is OK to be scared or nervous or concerned (whatever term you are comfortable using) is the 1st step.

Contact me on my email address for more details:
